We will read Blumberg & Goldstein 2021, as a preparation for their DIP talk. You can find the paper in the attachments of the invitation email.

READING: Blumberg & Goldstein. “A Semantic Theory of Redundancy” (2021).

WHEN: Monday 14 June 2021, 15:00 - 16:30 (Amsterdam time)

ZOOM LINK: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/82951481534

PDF: see attached paper in the invitation email

DISCUSSION NOTES: https://formal-semantics.github.io/download/dekker_2021_notes.pdf


This paper develops a semantic theory of redundancy by positing a redundancy operator R that can be inserted locally and optionally into logical form. Rp says that p is true and that p is not redundant in its local context, i.e. p is true somewhere but not everywhere in its local context. This operator explains a variety of phenomena, including diversity constraints, ignorance inferences, and free choice.